Sunday, January 15, 2012

Glory be...

...and yea for me. I'm working on chapter 11. Chapter 10 was draaaaaging. It was a difficult chapter because so much was happening. Chapter 11 is where the climax really gets close. It's an exciting point in the book and an exciting time of revolution for my main character.

This book has really got me thinking. I've had 2 our stories pop into my mind that I've started to write a little bit about. One is an adult novel, with a really cool heroine. The second story is gruesome and dark--much like what I used to like to write when I was 19. In fact it's based on a short story I published when I was 19. I'm so happy that I have some really good writing coming forward.

I've also been toying with the idea of practicing interviewing people. I would love to put stories on here occasionally that are interviews of interesting people in my community. We'll see where that one goes!