Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Currently: Happy that I was able to get down a little over 1,200 words tonight.  My goal is around 800 words per night until May 31st.  Last night I only had 400 so I had to make up for it tonight.  
Listening: To nothing.
Loving: That it was a warm day and we got to play outside tonight and that summer break is less than 25 days away now. Also, I gave my husband the gift I got him today--the expression on his face was priceless!
Thinking: About my little sons--they've been very naughty the past two nights.  What's the deal and how do I reign them in without being a great big meany?
Wanting: It to be the weekend and for all my lesson planning to be done.
Needing: To exercise--I'm slacking!
OLW (one little word): Give.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Completing this stinking book...

I have 17 more days to complete my book.  That's 4.5 chapters in 17 days.  That's 1 chapter every 3.8 days.  That's 795 words a day for the next 17 days.  I love this book.  I love what it's done to me mentally.  But I also love that it's almost over.  Well, at least the first draft part.  Then I'm stepping away from it for 1 month (until July 1st).  Then it's on to HARD CORE editing mode.  Hopefully by mid-July I'll be fully into my 2nd draft when I head to the writer's conference.  Oh. Boy.